Cold Laser Therapy
Low Level Laser Therapy Using Therapeutic Lasers
Low level laser therapy is a wonderful way of promoting healing in ones body. This type of laser therapy has no side effects, and great benefits by adding ATP and repairing mitochondria of aged or damaged cells. One can describe the influence of local laser on the body as “biological induction” which is for the body as the “butterfly effect” is for our environment. As the laser effect influences each cell it comes in contact with, this produces effects on many cells which in turn, affect the entire system. Therapeutic lasers have a positive influence on cells and tissues by biostimulation/regeneration of tissue, reduction of inflammation, and relief of pain. These lasers increase circulation, enhance the formation of new blood and lymphatic vessels, reduce edema, increase the activity of cartilage forming cells, and enhance the immune system by increasing macrophage activity.
The FDA has recently approved its use for joint problems of almost any type. In this Coral Gables alternative medical practice Dr. Nirenberg has a certification in laser therapy thus allowing her to use low level laser therapy safely and affectively. This laser therapy is used on joint related problems to aid in healing. The following are a few of its’ uses in the area of pain: carpal tunnel, shoulders, hips, spinal problems, knees and ankles. Other uses are still considered experimental by the FDA.
Light therapy has been used since the 6th century. Low level laser therapy began in the 1960s and has been well established throughout Eastern Europe, China, the former Soviet Union, England and Japan since the early 1970s. Therapeutic lasers are now used in North America with great success for the last 35 years. As more studies are completed the uses have rapidly expanded. Helping cells heal and then allowing those cells to continue the healing process in any specific area is what this type of light therapy is all about. This is a very useful addition available to Dr. Nirenberg’s patients when applicable to a specific situation. Throughout Europe and Asia low level lasers are being used for the following and more to aid in the healing process:
Alopecia Areata
Pain Relief
- Headaches
- Fibromyalgia
Muscoskeletal Disorders
- Sciatica
- Tennis elbow (golfers elbow)
- Arthritis
- Cervical pain
- Neck pain
- Heel pain
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Tendonitis
- Back pain
- Knee pain
- Rotator cuff syndrome (frozen shoulder)
Maxillofacial Disorders
- Bell’s palsy
- facial pain
Cerebral Palsy
Eye Problems
- Blepharitis
- Macular Degeneration
- Glaucoma
Chronic Fatigue
Meniere’s Disease
Female Problems
- Endometriosis
- Menopause
Ganglion Cysts
Skin Tags
Foot Problems
- Heel Spurs
- Plantar Fascitis
- Bunions
Intestinal Problems
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Colitis
- Crohn’s
Leg Cramps
Restless Leg Syndrome
Neuropathies and Neuralgia
Adhesions (Scar Tissue)
Dental Applications
- Toothache
Wound and Burn Healing
Hearing Disorders
Soft-Tissue Damage
- Sports Injuries
- Whiplash
This treatment is used to aid acupuncture as well as being a non-needle treatment used for young children and others. The laser probe is held against the skin to avoid loss of light due to dispersion on the skin’s surface. Therapeutic laser light can influence many cells and may activate a number of energetic and biochemical pathways in the body.